Solving Kids’ Cancer is not just our name, it’s our mission.

We focus on aggressive childhood cancers with low survival rates because Every Kid Deserves to Grow Up ®. Solving Kids' Cancer helps accelerate new, next-generation treatments, including immunotherapy, cancer vaccines, and new drugs by applying an understanding of the entire childhood cancer research landscape to wisely invest in innovative projects.


Solving Kids' Cancer finds, funds and advocates for breakthrough treatment options to cure children with the most fatal pediatric cancers.



Children battling cancer need curative options now. Sadly, when traditional treatment options such as chemo, surgery and radiation fail, they have little chance of survival.



We understand the landscape of childhood cancer research, strive to strengthen the science behind new treatments, and provide cures for children with the most fatal forms of cancer.



Solving Kids' Cancer is dedicated to collaborating with like-minded nonprofits to fund more research projects, faster. There is nothing we can't solve by working together.



We grade research on its potential to cure. Our innovative approach to funding calls ensures only the most promising research is funded, to cure childhood cancer sooner.

Role & Impact

Solving Kids’ Cancer takes a hands-on approach to research funding from the very moment we receive applications for projects. We carry this close working relationship with researchers through to the full realization of each project.

Support the Development of New Treatment Options

Every two minutes, somewhere in the world, a child is diagnosed with cancer.  Far too often, these children face a dismal prognosis and urgently need better options. Together, we can ensure that every child has a chance at life.