Lace Up for Kids: Stories of Impact: Erin Martin

Lace Up For Kids: Stories of Impact: Erin Martin

Gold Laces for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Erin’s Story Erin Martin’s journey began with a simple pair of gold shoelaces, but it has grown into a powerful mission to make a difference in the fight against childhood cancer. At just 14 years old, Erin has dedicated herself to raising awareness and funds for pediatric cancer…

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Smithtown Goes Gold for Childhood Cancer

Smithtown Goes Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! In Smithtown, New York, gold shoelaces are more than just a fashion statement — they’re a symbol of hope and unity. Every September, the town transforms into a vibrant celebration of community spirit and determination to fight childhood cancer. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Pediatric…

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Osteosarcoma Survivor Dr. Kurt Weiss

Osteosarcoma Survivor to Surgeon: Dr. Kurt Weiss’ Story At age 15, Dr. Kurt Weiss was a typical teenager—active, ambitious, and full of dreams about football, college, and mountain climbing. However, during a football practice, a sudden, severe pain in his leg changed everything. His mother insisted he visit the doctor, even suggesting she might cancel…

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National Cancer Survivors Month

Jacob’s Journey: A Childhood Cancer Survivor’s Story Every battle has its heroes, and among the bravest are young children like Jacob Mozer, who faced stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma when he was barely old enough to walk. Diagnosed at only 16 months old, Jacob’s early years were filled with constant medical appointments and intense treatments. Despite…

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Trailblazing Treatments for Pediatric Brain Tumors

Trailblazing Treatments for Pediatric Brain Tumors Picture a fortress built to guard precious treasure but accidentally also keeps out the very allies it needs in a time of crisis. This is the challenge faced by medical researchers when dealing with the brain’s natural defense — the blood-brain barrier — especially in children with brain tumors. …

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World Health Day: Pediatric Cancer’s Global Divide

World Health Day: Pediatric Cancer’s Global Divide Imagine this: Two children, born at the same moment, oceans apart. In a country brimming with medical resources, one child quickly gets top-notch treatment for cancer. Meanwhile, across the globe, the other child faces a drastically different reality, with limited access to basic care. This isn’t just a…

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Resource: 7 Things to Do After Diagnosis

Childhood Cancer Resource: 7 Things to Do After Diagnosis Nothing can ever prepare a parent for the moment they learn their child has cancer. As reality sets in, so does the question: “What comes next?” To help navigate this challenging time, Scott Kennedy, SKC Executive Director, and Donna Ludwinski, SKC Director of Research Advocacy offer…

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Arden’s Story of Hope

From Neuroblastoma Cancer to No Evidence of Disease: Arden’s Story of Hope When a young child starts daycare, catching a bug or two is quite normal. But for 15-month-old Arden, a week of persistent low-grade fevers and stomach troubles soon became a concern for her parents, Megan and David. These symptoms, which initially seemed like…

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Solving Kids’ Cancer Firsts

Solving Kids’ Cancer Firsts: A Decade of Breakthroughs & Leadership Solving Kids’ Cancer is not just our name — it’s our mission. We target the toughest childhood cancers with the lowest survival rates because every kid deserves to grow up. Through global collaboration, we drive new treatments forward like combinations, sequences, and targeted cancer immunotherapy…

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SKC Holiday 2023

2023: Ways to Give Back During the Holidays For many, the holiday season symbolizes joy, togetherness, and reflection. However, for families confronting the harsh reality of pediatric cancers, the season can be exceptionally challenging. Navigating a cancer diagnosis replaces joyful traditions. Families are thrust into seeking the best treatment options, often while managing everyday life.…

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