Solving Kids’ Cancer Firsts

Solving Kids’ Cancer Firsts: A Decade of Breakthroughs & Leadership Solving Kids’ Cancer is not just our name — it’s our mission. We target the toughest childhood cancers with the lowest survival rates because every kid deserves to grow up. Through global collaboration, we drive new treatments forward like combinations, sequences, and targeted cancer immunotherapy…

SKC Holiday 2023

2023: Ways to Give Back During the Holidays For many, the holiday season symbolizes joy, togetherness, and reflection. However, for families confronting the harsh reality of pediatric cancers, the season can be exceptionally challenging. Navigating a cancer diagnosis replaces joyful traditions. Families are thrust into seeking the best treatment options, often while managing everyday life.…

2023 Year-in-Review

Pediatric Cancer Research Advancements: Solving Kids’ Cancer’s Year-in-Review A Message from Scott Kennedy, Executive Director   Dear Friends and Supporters,  As we reflect on the year gone by, my heart is filled with gratitude and pride for what we’ve achieved together in 2023. I want to start by extending a heartfelt thank you to each…

Research and Care: Neuroblastoma Parent Global Symposium 2023

Research & Care: Neuroblastoma Parent Global Symposium 2023 Mark your calendars for the return of the Neuroblastoma Parent Global Symposium on Friday, November 3, 2023. A free virtual event, this neuroblastoma conference brings together parents, researchers, medical professionals, clinicians, and charity leaders from across the globe to discuss the latest breakthroughs in neuroblastoma research and…

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Lace Up for Kids 2024   Every year, over 400,000 children worldwide receive the heart-wrenching diagnosis of cancer. This staggering number reminds us of the crucial need for continued awareness, research, and support. This September, during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we invite you to join Solving Kids’ Cancer’s Lace Up for…

Bone Cancer and Sarcoma Awareness Month

5 Key Facts About Bone Cancer and Sarcoma Awareness Month July is recognized as Bone Cancer and Sarcoma Awareness Month, and it’s the perfect time to learn more about these rare and challenging cancers that affect our young superheroes. Sarcoma and bone cancer can have a huge impact on the lives of young patients and…

Lessons Before and After Childhood Cancer from a Mother

As a parent, your primary instinct is to protect and care for your children. But, what happens when your child is diagnosed with cancer? How do you navigate your family through the devastating diagnosis, harsh treatments and fears of recurrence? And, when the unthinkable happens — what does life look like after loss? The journey…

Create Your Own Fundraiser Fundraising Idea: Audrey’s Angels

It began with a life-altering diagnosis. In 2010, 5-year-old Audrey was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a cancerous tumor that develops in the nervous system of babies and very young children. Each year, approximately 800 children get diagnosed with neuroblastoma in the United States.1 With stage 4 neuroblastoma, young Audrey was in the…

5 Ways to Support National Cancer Research Month

5 Ways to Support National Cancer Research Month May is National Cancer Research Month, when we spotlight the vital work being done to combat a disease affecting millions worldwide. Each year in the United States, 1.9 million new cancer diagnoses are made,1 and tragically, cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease among children.2…