Nanotechnology and the Future of Childhood Cancer Treatments

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death by disease among children,1 claiming the lives of over 100,000 kids each year worldwide.2 With the development of chemotherapy and other conventional pediatric cancer treatments, there has been a considerable rise in overall survival rates over the last 30 years, but the quality of life for…

Easy Fundraiser Ideas to Support Childhood Cancer Research

Create a Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer Research in 2024 Every day, 47 children in the United States are diagnosed with cancer, marking it as a leading cause of death among children globally.1 Despite the staggering statistics, childhood cancer research receives only a small portion of federal funding. However, with some easy fundraising ideas and your dedication,…

Leading Women Making a Difference in Childhood Cancer

In this week’s episode of TWiPO (This Week in Pediatric Oncology), our cancer podcast dedicated to exploring news and advances in pediatric cancer, hosts Dr. Timothy Cripe and Solving Kids’ Cancer Director of Research Advocacy, Donna Ludwinski, are joined by Ann Graham, Executive Director and Founder of MIB (Make it Better) Agents, a leading pediatric…

How to Support Solving Kids’ Cancer This Holiday Season

For many, the holiday season is a joyous time filled with family, friends, celebration, and reflection on the things we’re grateful for. But for families with children battling the most deadly cancers, the holidays can be particularly challenging.  Happy traditions are replaced with navigating a cancer diagnosis and searching for safe treatment options — often…

5 Ways to Support a Caregiver During National Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month — a time to raise awareness and support for family caregivers across the country. When a parent hears the devastating words, “your child has cancer” nothing is ever the same. Caring for a child with cancer, especially one with a poor prognosis, comes with many challenges. It becomes a…

Supporting Pediatric Cancer Research: Solving Kids’ Cancer’s Year-in-Review

   A Message from Scott Kennedy, executive director Throughout the year, Solving Kids’ Cancer (SKC) has continued funding cutting-edge research to find cures for children with the most aggressive cancers. Research is key in unlocking solutions and providing improved outcomes for kids. SKC prioritizes taking cutting-edge ideas, based on scientific evidence, from the lab…

Learn & Connect at the Neuroblastoma Parent Global Symposium 2022

For the third year in a row, the Neuroblastoma Parent Global Symposium brings together researchers, medical professionals, clinicians, charity leaders and parents from across the globe to discuss the latest developments in neuroblastoma research. On November 11, 2022, this one-of-a-kind neuroblastoma conference will be hosted online and free to access from anywhere around the world.…

This Week in Pediatric Oncology Podcast’s 100th Episode

Happy 100th Episode to the This Week in Pediatric Oncology (TWiPO) Podcast! TWiPO is a free childhood cancer podcast dedicated to supporting families and advancing research through weekly discussions of trending topics and exciting new developments in pediatric cancer.  Produced by Solving Kids’ Cancer (SKC), TWiPO is hosted by Dr. Timothy Cripe, chief of the…

What’s Needed to Improve Treatments for Neuroblastoma?

Neuroblastoma is a heterogenous type of pediatric cancer, meaning that the tumor cells might be subtly or dramatically different even within the same tumor within the same patient. It’s the most common solid tumor outside of the brain in children. About 800 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma each year in the United States, and half…